These Styles are for you if...

  • The Styles you use have been letting you down.

  • RAW processing isn’t an area you feel confident with.

  • Your workflow in Capture One is taking too long.

See amazing results when editing a RAW file!

What You'll Get

It happens to every photographer, you take a photo, upload it into your computer and there’s magic missing.

That’s where the power of Capture One comes in.

Using these Styles you’ll be able to transform your images, add gorgeous high-contrast black & white or vibrant colors to your photos.

Hear what photographers have to say…

  • “I’ve paid for loads of different Capture One Styles and these are my favorites. A wide selection of looks that really help me create more interesting edits.” - S.R.

  • “I use these all the time! I’m ashamed to say I rarely change anything once I select them either. Don’t tell anyone :)” - T.J.

  • “I recently switched to Capture One and although it’s more powerful the learning curve has been steep. These have saved me HOURS of editing and I love having them in my toolbox.” - Y.M.

  • Lessons

    15 Capture One Styles

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  • 1

    Capture One - World Styles

    • Download ZIP file

Meet Your Teacher

Matt Granger

Matt's adventurous spirit has lead him all over the globe, and he now leads tours to a number of exotic locations. Before YouTube & traveling the world teaching, Matt is a passionate professional photographer, specializing in all things 'people' related. Matt has been published extensively in Australia and abroad, and has exhibited with the likes of Studio Harcourt.

Outside of work, Matt is a happy husband, a passionate traveler and explorer and a bit of a foodie. Matt studied economics and film studies degrees at university - two pillars that have driven the growth in his photography businesses.